To KAGEMA From _______________________ ________________________ _______________________ ________________________ _______________________ ________________________ FAX FAX PhotoLibâ„¢ ORDER FORM DATE ___________19 ____ I/We order for O Apple O MS Windows SPECIAL THEME CDs: PhotoLib O Volume ____ O Plants and Animals O Portfolio CD-ROM O Travel _____ (1-5) O Kodak PhotoCD Format O Backgrounds ___(1or2) O JPEG O Computing O Images on Diskette O Business & Industry O People & Lifestyles Following PhotoLib Images: O Backgrounds & Textures Total number______ O Science & Technology O World Travel & Commerce (File names - 7 first characters O Nature & Wildlife + Order Code) O Paintings & Sculpture |__|__|__|__||__|__|__| |__| |__|__|__|__||__|__|__| |__| |__|__|__|__||__|__|__| |__| |__|__|__|__||__|__|__| |__| |__|__|__|__||__|__|__| |__| |__|__|__|__||__|__|__| |__| |__|__|__|__||__|__|__| |__| |__|__|__|__||__|__|__| |__| |__|__|__|__||__|__|__| |__| |__|__|__|__||__|__|__| |__| PLEASE SHIP TO: by O Mail O Air Mail ___________________________ O Courier______________________ O Special _____________________ ___________________________ Price Products ________________ ___________________________ Shipping ________________ TOTAL AMOUNT ________________ Payment by (tick one) O Credit Card O money order O prepaid (cheque) O COD Credit Card Information: O MasterCard O VISA CARD NUMBER _______________________ EXP.DATE _____ Name on Card _______________________ Signed _____________________________ INSTRUCTIONS: Please use above form to order PhotoLibâ„¢ photographs and Special Theme CD-ROMs. The form is self-explanatory. Here are a few tips to avoid misunderstandings. You have to tick either PORTFOLIO CD-ROM or IMAGES ON DISKETTES. Do not tick both! If you tick Portfolio CD-ROM you have to choose either Kodak PhotoCD format or JPEG. In addition you may order Special Theme CDs. Please tick one or several volumes. You can order several of one volume by entering the number of pieces - otherwise enter 1. When ordering individual images, please enter one or several file names plus order code. You will find the file name when viewing the image with Aldus Fetch. Enter the first seven characters. This is either numerical, or starts with PO. Other images (starting with PD) cannot be ordered individually. They are only available on Special Theme CDs. The Order Code can be found in the Aldus Fetch Description for the image. Examples: 0544030 A 0232100 S PO2_050 C If you require more space for ordering additional images please use a second form and enter CONTINUE as the last image on the first page and as the first image on the second page. We would appreciate your suggestions how to improve for you ordering PhotoLibâ„¢ images.